" La vida no es mesura per les vegades que respires sinó pels instants que et quedes sense alè"
... Embadocats amb la bellesa que se'ns perfila al davant i sovint no veiem...
...Olorant i saciant-nos amb tantes fragàncies que ens commouen per conegudes i de noves que ens colpegen...
... Escoltant embadalits el murmuri silenciós d'uns llavis casi a tocar i que sovint no sentim què diuen...
... Sentint el magnetisme d'un cos a prop, que ens posa en alerta i no volem destorbar el moment...
... Llegint paraules que ens sacsegen per dins i remouen fascicles viscuts al peu de la lletra i ens preguntem com coneixen el nostre secret més íntim...
... Imaginant...
... Somiant...
... Ensalivant...
"... que exigent que vé la primavera"
diu una cançó. (Mª del Mar Bonet?)
I és que aquest hivern primaveral s'ha estirat com una estora que es va desembolcallant...
i alguns tenim la sort de ser aquí per llegir-ne les teves descripcions, sempre acurades, precises, sentides...
petons i llepades primaverals!
Che fa lo foco nascere di neve...
Un petó Joana,
i és que en el fons tots ens assemblem tant!...
un gust, llegir-te!
...per favor, per favor...,
qui fos cor de caramel en llavis carnosos...,
he quedat sense alè...,
sóc anoerrat, ensalivat.
Quin post més maco, i quanta raó que tens.
doncs sí, m'he quedat sense alé...
Joana...estic ben d'acord amb tu...
Graciès per compartir, i de la forma que ho fas, totes aquestes sensacions ...
si dic q m'agrada la piruleta em fareu fora? :P
Ben ditm poca cosa es pot dir, bé, sí, una, Quina foto!
Muy bello! me encantó! un saludo!
contant els segons que ens separen....
ai aquest bon temps que comença a fer de les seves....
Realment si la vida només es mesurés per les vegades que respires seria tot tant i tant gris...
Genial!. Quedar-se sense alé, ajudar a respirar millor.
No te n'oblidis aquest estiu de mirar el cel tranquil.lament abans d'anar a dormir... connecta-hi, posa't a pensar, a comptar estrelles i a endevinar quines potser ja no existeixen...
Les teves paraules al blog de Violette m'han fet connectar amb els meus estius a Mont-roig, sota un cel "quan erem molt petits i no tocàvem de peus a terra"....
Llegint els teus sentiments, pensant en els meus moments anaerobis, em torno a quedar sense alè!
Petons, Joana!
És tan cert el que dius! Fa més vida un sol instant sense alè que dies passats empenyent l'aire amunt i avall sense més. Però alguna cosa he descobert darrerament. En podem quedar sense alè per totes les coses bones que descrius, però tb per mals moments. No és per ser pessimista, justament avui no és el meu to. Però he descobert que els mals moments tenen un paper molt important en la vida. Cal saber que hi són i aprendre'n! "Quanta vida hi ha en estar trist!"
A mi tot l'hivern m'ha semblat estiu...
The silver blue sea,
E non si ferma qui, e continua con l'acqua e il foco e la neve...
... sí i per fora sort que hi ha varietat, per triar!
El gust és meu!
Esborronada de llegir.te i sentir-te al pis de dalt!
Com sempre...
Et vaig trobar a faltar ahir al xat de vilawweb :(...
I jo encara ho estic... a veure si no respiro més.... :)
No ho sé fer d'altra manera...
Déjà vie,
Res... tota la piruleta cap a dins...
Que tens examen dilluns... res de fotos! :)
gracias. un placer!
Robertinhos... aixx les dècimes de sgons...
Fa massa que dura el bon temps... es nota a tot arreu!
És com menjar cada dia el mateix... gris gris.
Benvingut. A intèrvals
quina gràcia... tu també dialogant amb els estels a un pam de terra. Genial. Fem-ho aquest estiu també.A tarragona o a Girona. Tant se val.
Tens raó... Hi ha moments de tot. Però la primavera fa estralls i l'estiu... no en parlem... per cert vindràs a pals? ;)))
Bona primavera a tothom!
Vigila amb els moments anaeròbics... si s'allarguen...
Una abraçada!
Mmmmmmm... oui! oui!
Boniques paraules! tenim ja tots la sang alterada veig!
Si el temari ja el sé, ho faig amb els ulls tancats...jajaja
Una abraçada ;)
Tu estigues ben atenta! No acostumo a portar roba quan vaig a pals... XD Em poses crema?? ... :)
I toujours... oui, oui!
No sé on anirem a parar...és la calor!
Una abraçada!
El que no vull és que et distreguis amb la foto...
.... que jo recordi...te'n vaig posar... o era un somni?...
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Never give your password to a stranger: Trust is a delicate thing that takes a long time to build but only second to destroy. You may meet a pretending star in poker room and you are friends with him/her. He/she will keep interacting with you days before playing her trick. So be carefull enough to protect your login credentials to yourself, else this may lead to disaster.
Be careful about what you download: Professional online gamers are looking for cheats or hacks for the games they play in order to give them an advantage over their opponents. Poker is no different and there are many websites on the internet having facebook poker cheats and hacks for those brave enough to download and install them. But many of these so called facebook poker cheats have viruses or trojan programs. The moment you install any of these your computer is at the risk of attacks by the creator of the program. He can then have access to vital information that you access from your computer. Leaving your facebook poker account at risk of been hacked. If you never downloaded any of these programs then you’re probably safe, and if you have then you should run a spyware detection program. The best move will be for get your computer formatted to avoid any loop holes.
Phishing Links: This way of hacking has been thee for quite sometime now. Scammers send legitimate and official looking emails to your inbox. When you open them you are asked to click on the link and login in order to save your account or win free facebook poker chips, but in reality you are logging into a fake site that sends your information off to the theif who made it. Before you find it out, its too late to react and they would have already broken into your account and emptied it of any facebook poker chips that you may have.
YouTube scams: If you do a search on youtube for facebook poker cheats, zynga poker hacks, or free facebook poker chips you’ll find hundreds of videos on the topic. More than 90% of them are made by idiots hoping to convince you to send them your account information. They range from slightly clever to completely moronic.
Image Photo Having Exe Embedded In it: This one is hard to catch. This is the latest fashion that is used by scammer, you will be asked to share family photo's. When you open their photo, that will innitiate an exe in the background which will steal all your information and send to the mastermind behin it. So be careful with whom you share photos.
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The Triple Crown, like so many of our best traditions, wasn't created, it grew into being. During the late 1800's three different tracks created races to test the new crop of three year olds. These three races, the Belmont Stakes, the Preakness and the Kentucky Derby were held in the same year for the first time in 1875. It wasn't until 44 years later that Sir Barton (1919) became the first horse to win all three. The term, Triple Crown, wasn't coined until 1930 when Daily Racing Form's columnist, Charles Hatton, used it while covering Gallant Fox's winning efforts.
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Barbaro with Edgar Prado on board has won all 6 of his lifetime starts, 4 of his wins in 2006 and all at distances of a mile or more (his first 3 races were on the turf). Barbaro will be the odds on favorite for the Preakness. Gone are the double digit returns when we picked him for the Derby so most of us are left looking for horses to combine him with for the exacta, trifecta and superfecta wagers. Even though we want to see him win, at the probable scant return for a win, one must look to see if there's a horse in the field that can best him.
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How to copy dvd movie:Acala DVD Copy-compact DVD copy software
Acala DVD Copy is a DVD copy software that can copy DVD movie and backup DVD movie to computer with better DVD copy quality and less DVD copy time. As a DVD copy tool, Acala DVD Copy can fully copy dvd movie. It's one click DVD movie backup solution makes you easier to copy DVD movies and backup up them and keep video-audio synchronization perfectly. For Acala DVD copy is a shareware for DVD copy, you have 60 trial times to copy and backup your DVD movies. During this time you can freely copy and backup your DVD movies without any limitation.
key words: DVD copy, DVD copy software, copy DVD movie, DVD copy shareware, computer copy DVD, backup dvd movie
Key Features of Acala DVD copy:
Acala DVD Copy - just takes less 1/5 of playback time to backup a DVD movie Disc. Copy and backup DVD movies onto your hard disk -- great for laptops. Copy DVD movies to DVD-R(W) and DVD+R(W) Disc Support copy DVD-5/DVD-9 type DVD movies to DVD-9(Dual Layer) disc Support compress DVD-5/DVD-9 type DVD movies to DVD-5 disc Custom specify anyone part of original DVD movies to keep or remove (audio tracks, sub-titles) Acala DVD Copy Include advanced compression technology. Automatically prepares blank DVD for recording. 24 hour technical support.
One example of how to copy DVD movie with Acala DVD copy
Run Acala DVD Copy.
Step 1. Select Source DVD Movie.
1. if you want to copy a DVD movie from a DVD disc
(1) insert a dvd disc
(2) choose " " ,
and then select the source disc from device list.
2. if have a dvd movie directory in your hard disk
(1) choose " "
(2) Select source dvd folder
Step 2. Select Destination:
1. if you want to make a copy of DVD disc
(1) choose " "
(2) select a dvd recorder from device list
(3) select a working folder of hard disk for temporary using
2. if you want to make copy of DVD movie to your hard disk(great for laptops)
(1) click " "
(2) Select destination dvd folder
Step 3. Setting the copy type:
1. if you just want to copy specified language audio track
select a language from the language list
2. if you want to delete DTS audio of the movie
uncheck " "
3. if you don't want to copy subtitle to backup movie
uncheck " "
4. if you just want to copy main movie to destination
uncheck " "
Step 4. Setting the destination DVD movie Format:
1. Copy D5 , D9 DVD movie disc to D9 disc
check " "
3. Compress D5, D9 DVD movie to one D5 format disc
check " "
Step 5. Start Copying:
Click button to start copying.
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Some most people carry browsing before towards the severe but searching correct following the holidays for that future holidays. Post vacation revenue are occasionally even improved than pre-holiday product sales as departmental merchants make an effort to obvious excess stock by providing ridiculous reductions.
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